Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Mathematik

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät | Institut für Mathematik | Forschung | Forschungsgebiete | Mathematische Physik | Mathematische Physik: Mathematische Aspekte der Quantenfeld- und Stringtheorie

Prof. Dr. Gaëtan Borot

Foto Gaetan Borot Institute for Mathematics
& Institute for Physics
Chair in Mathematical Physics:
Mathematical aspects of QFT and strings 

+ Research group webpage
+ Recent publications

Interests: enumerative geometry, quantum 
algebra/topology/geometry, topological recursion, 
integrability, moduli spaces, algebraic structures, random matrix theory, combinatorics, science outreach.



Location: Johann-von-Neumann-Haus, Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489 Berlin
but postal address is different:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Mathematik
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin

Office: Office 1.333 (Haus 1, 3rd floor, right corridor)

Phone: (030) 2093 45479

Secretary: Kristina Schulze,

IMP-Bachelor: Vorsitzender des Prüfungsausschusses und der Kommission für Lehre und Studium, Studienberatung, Email:

Freisemester vom 01.03.2024 bis 14.10.2024:
- Für alle IMP-Prüfungsausschuss Anfragen, die nicht Anerkennungen betreffen, bitte wenden Sie sich an meiner Vertretung: Prof. Dr. Matthias Staudacher
- Für alle IMP-KLS Anfragen, bitte wenden Sie sich an meiner Vertretung: Prof. Dr. Henning Meyerhenke


Teaching and seminars

Upcoming talks


16 May 2024: Colloque, Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne, Dijon: Topological recursion: what, why, what for?

♦ 22 May 2024: Séminaire de géométrie du CLMS, École Polytechnique: Compter les surfaces de Riemann avec la récurrence topologique

26 April 2024: Séminaire de géométrie énumérative, Institut Mathématique de Jussieu, Paris Rive Gauche: F-cohomological field theories and topological recursion

 ♦ 27-31 May 2024: Conference Discrete differential geometry and dimers, TU Berlin.

7 June 2024: Groupe de travail LDRAM, UMPA, ENS Lyon: Discrete β-ensembles and a vertical section of the Gaussian free field

19-21 June 2024: conference Random matrices and free probability, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse: Functional relations for all order free probability and applications to random matrices

8-12. July 2024: workshop "New aspects in topological recursion and related topics", RIMS, Kyoto University.

 12-16. August 2024: Les Houches School of Physics Quantum geometry - Mathematical methods for gravity, gauge theories and non-perturbative physics: N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theory, W-algebras and topological recursion

Archive of talks


  • Slides of the online reading group on Stability conditions and DT theory (Spring 2020).
  • A list of mathematical results that came out of topological recursion, that can also serve as bibliography guide (be welcome to propose me updates or corrections). Latest version 2018
  • Video recordings of the Geometric recursion learning seminar (Winter 2018/2019, MPIM)
  • Lecture notes of a mini-course in Toulouse (May 2017): Topological recursion and geometry, math-ph/1705.09986, published in Rev. Math. Phys. (2020)
  • Lecture notes of a mini-course at CIMPA summer school, Ulanbataar: Introduction to random matrix theory, math.PR/1710.10792, published in Mong. J. Math. 20 1 (2016) 5-52. For a brief history of mathematics in Mongolia, see the article by Ninjbat Uuganbaatar.
  • Lecture notes for a mini-course A walk through the woods of integrability at Hannover University, June 2015
  • Lecture notes for a master course on Random matrix theory, Bonn University, Winter 2014/2015
  • Lecture notes by Alice Guionnet for her mini-course on Schwinger-Dyson equations, topological expansions and random matrices at Columbia, Aug. 2017.
  • Video recordings of mini-courses at a MPIM workshop in Fall 2014:
    - Jorgen E. Andersen, The Hitchin connection and the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFT
    Bertrand Eynard, Topological recursion and moduli spaces
  • Video recordings of a Masterclass on topological recursion by Bertrand Eynard and Nicolas Orantin, at QGM Aarhus, January 2013.

Organisation of upcoming events


MFO workshop: Riemann surfaces: random, flat and hyperbolic geometry, 9-14 Sept. 2024, Oberwolfach.

BIRS Workshop: Non-commutative geometry meets topological recursion IV, 23-27 Sept. 2024, Hangzhou.