Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences

ERASMUS+ Blended Intensive Programme: "Current Issues in Middle East Politics"


We are pleased to announce the opportunity for 10 undergraduate or graduate students to participate in the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on "Current Issues in Middle East Politics", a collaboration between Bodrum+ Institute, TOBB ETÜ, Middle East Technical University (METU), Rakovski National Defense College (Sofia, Bulgaria), and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Program Overview:

When: Online sessions from May 6 to May 31, 2024; in-person sessions in Bodrum from June 3 to June 10, 2024.

Funded by: ERASMUS+

Certificate: Successful participants will receive a certificate worth 5 ECTS credits.

Financial support:

ERASMUS+ funding covers €79 per day (including arrival and departure) for a total of €553. Participants with "fewer opportunities" will receive an additional supplement of €100.

The estimated cost of accommodation (shared double room) and dinner at the hotel is approximately €57 per day, for a total cost of stay of approximately €350. This leaves approximately €200 for travel expenses. The Erasmus+ grant will be paid after the stay in Bodrum.

Course Description:

This program provides a comprehensive understanding of modern Middle Eastern politics, covering critical historical turning points, current developments, regional conflicts, alliances, and state-society dynamics. The course covers the Arab world, Iran, and Israel, and is open to students from a variety of disciplines, including international relations, political science, Middle Eastern studies, and social sciences. However, there are no prerequisites for the course, and students from a variety of backgrounds are welcome to apply.

Undergraduates with a GPA of 3.00 and above are welcome, and graduate students are encouraged to participate. PhD students are especially welcome as one-to-one office hours with lecturers can be arranged to discuss thesis work.


The program aims to provide students with the analytical perspectives and essential knowledge to understand the key actors, issues, and processes of Middle East politics. It supports students in their academic endeavors, including research projects and ideas.

Learning Outcomes:

Gain familiarity with the major themes of Middle East politics, including state formation, conflict, political economy, identity, authoritarianism, and democratization.

Understand the foreign policies of regional and extra-regional actors that shape the Middle East.


Application Deadline: April 30, 2024


If you are interested in this unique learning opportunity to explore the complexities of Middle Eastern politics, we encourage you to complete the application form below. If you have any questions, please contact Christian Wilhelm at

For detailed program information and lecturer profiles, please follow the links provided below:


Join us as we unravel the complexities of the Middle East and broaden your academic horizons.