Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Statistics

Lucas Kock

Note: Mr. L. Kock was a member of the Chair of Statistics and Data Science till 04/2023 and moved to the Technische Universität Dortmund.


  •   E-mail
  •   Phone / Fax
      +49 30 2093-99030 / +49 30 2093-99591
  •   Office / Office hours:
      SPA1, 310 / upon agreement

Mail address

Humboldt-University of Berlin
School of Business and Economics
Statistics and Data Science
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin



Winter term 22/23
Summer term 22
Winter term 21/22
Winter term 20/21
Summer term 20
Winter term 19/20

Publications and Preprints